
Try CAYIN poster App FOR FREE

A 90-day free trial of poster App can be downloaded from ALL CMS Platforms.
This free trial allows access to all features that come with poster App.
During the trial period, you can connect with 1 display.
When you are ready to upgrade, contact us to purchase the license and obtain a Serial Number to activate.
No re-installation is required.

Try CMS Platform for 90-day FREE TRIAL
If you do not have the CMS software, install the CMS-WS software to begin your CMS-WS 90-day free trial, and download poster App from the CMS-WS platform to receive 90-day free trial of poster App.

Already have a CMS Platform
Log in CMS’ Web Manager and go to the APP page to install poster App.
Please refer to the online help of your CMS Server for detailed instructions.

