You might have noticed the fresh new look of our home. After a few months in preparation, we are ready to help you connect and play!

In an effort to provide an easier way to learn about our solutions and culture, and also to ensure a smooth experience for both PC and portable smart device users, CAYIN’s website has been redesigned to navigate you to valuable information in the most intuitive way.

The rearranged navigation menu and structure will help you get to your desired destinations swiftly. It gives visitors better understanding of what CAYIN has to offer, including our products, services and what our role is at each stage of implementing suitable digital signage solutions.

Our new website reflects on the visual needs when browsing for digital signage solutions. Make sure to check out Case Studies and Solutions if you are looking for inspirations for your next project, or simply want to learn more about how far our solutions can reach.

For those who are already using our products and services, we have put together useful Tutorials and other handy resources under Support for you to dig deeper into the world of digital signage.

We hope the fresh new look will guide you through our vision, as well as yours! If you have any feedback, suggestions, comments, or encouragements, please do not hesitate to let us know!

Thank you for your support. Let us help you Connect and Play!

Reminder: If you have visited our website before, and are experiencing some visual glitches, please refresh your browser cache by pressing Ctrl+F5 for Windows, or Command+R for Mac.
CAYIN Technology in Brief
CAYIN Technology is a 16-year professional digital signage solution and software developer from Taiwan. By offering a complete portfolio of appliance-based digital signage solutions, CAYIN dedicates itself to being a reliable partner to clients worldwide and has successfully set up various applications globally. In order to best facilitate the deployment of its products, the company also provides tailored services to satisfy the ever-growing market demand for almost limitless applications.
Media Contact
CAYIN Technology Co., Ltd.
Tel: +886-2-2595-1005
Fax: +886-2-2595-1050
Address: 3F., No. 57, Sec. 3, Zhongshan N. Rd., Zhongshan Dist., Taipei City 104, Taiwan
